Why use ultra capacitors for backup power?
Ultra capacitors have a much higher life cycle (almost unlimited) than chemistry based UPS systems thus not requiring expensive service calls and loss of revenue to service and replace batteries.
The ultra capacitors can be very quickly charged and when sufficient energy is stored the connected equipment can be safely started because a safe and systematic shutdown can now occur if main power was lost.
The ultra capacitors in the Tri-M series TBP4xxx modules and TUP1000 UPS can operate from 40C to 85C thus assuring continued operation in harsh and hostile environments.
- The light weight of the ultra capacitors can minimize fuel consumption on aviation based systems.
- Cycle life rating of 500,000.
- Not damaged by deep discharge cycling.
- Can be charged to full capacity often in under 60 seconds.
- Extended temperature rated. 40 to 85C.
View our Ultra Capacitors. These backup power packs are designed to work perfectly with our smart charging power supplies for a complete off-the-shelf backup power solution.